kitchen faucet



A sensor tap made by Kleentrend releases water on its own when it senses movement. Because there is no human touch at all, the environment is cleaner. Additionally, it reduces water waste by up to 70%.

The advantages of using sensor taps include a more sanitary and practical manner to operate a faucet. Sensor taps are often referred to as touchless or hands-free taps.


Reduced water waste: With automatically turning off after each use, Kleentrend Sensor taps may help cut down on water waste by 70–80%.

Improved Hygiene: By removing the need to contact the tap with your hands, they may aid in reducing the transmission of germs.

Energy Savings: Kleentrend automatic faucet are designed to only activate when necessary, reducing energy use.

They are simple to use since they don't need human operation. You just need to put your hands under the faucet to start the water flowing and take them out to stop it.

Greater convenience: Since they don't need manual operation, they may be very helpful for persons with impairments or mobility concerns.


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